Tuesday 29 June 2010

No.139 The Pregnant Boxers

This is painting No.139 entitled, "The Pregnant Boxers" painted entirely today (29th June 2010).I wanted to display a sporting event which could never be,and wanted to portray the lengths a mother will go to defend her child (Just like in the animal kingdom) i also enjoy the mystery of how many people are technically in the fight (Maybe one woman or both are carrying twins or triplets or maybe one or both have miscarried due to the physical blows they have endured).Oil on canvas as always.Sold to Flixton,Lancashire.

Monday 28 June 2010

No.138 Child With Progeria

This is painting No.138 entitled "Child with Progeria" which i completed entirely today (June 28th 2010).I wanted to show an androgynus Child with this terrible affliction, who is seated on the cusp of pink and blue (Blue for boys,pink for girls) which adds to the ambiguous gender of the child, as this condition makes the sex hard to determine.There are no toys or other interests to the child, other than the precious fleeting time it is in the midst of.My other reason for painting this, is that the art world is full of beautiful maidens and the elegant, but these tragic individuals are almost entirely overlooked artistically, which is,to me, a true art crime.Sold to Fife,Scotland.

Saturday 26 June 2010

No.137 Angels with Electric Chair

This is painting No.137 entitled, "Angels with Electric Chair" painted entirely today (June 26th 2010) after i ventured down the sultry, crowded town with the bustling market, in order to purchase more canvases.I had a break during which i read about a diversity of artists during the Renaissance and Watched the Dvd, "Monsters Vs.Aliens" with my son before completing it, which includes the voices of Paul Rudd and Hugh Laurie.Here i attempted to convey the notion that the Electric Chair is the modern crucifix (Which of course it is, both being devices to execute criminals) and the angel with the pointed finger is realising this connection.Sold to Shropshire,England.

No.136 The Lottery Winner

This is painting No.136 entitled, "The Lottery Winner" which i painted in one day on Thursday (June 24th 2010).Inspired by the whole concept of "Be careful what you wish for" and the venus fly trap of affluence which often fails to yield the contentment it promises.Sold to London,England.

Thursday 24 June 2010

No.135 Cardiff University

This is painting No.135 entitled, "Dusk at Cardiff University" in Wales.I began this on Monday, and several things have occurred before it's completion (I.E watching England Beat Slovenia in the world cup even though i am positively allergic to sport).I finished it today (June 24th 2010) in sweltering temperatures, having the night before watched two episodes of the "Twilight Zone" (Nightmare at 20,000 feet with William Shatner and "Living Doll" starring Telly Savalas).Sold to Buckinghamshire,England.

Thursday 17 June 2010

No.134 The Willis Tower

.This is painting No.134 entitled, "The Willis Tower,Chicago" which i finished today (June 17th 2010) after acquiring more canvas from the "Factory Second" shop.I worked a little more on it last night before watching the film, "Girl with a Pearl Earring" starring Colin Firth and Tom Wilkinson.My breakfast before the works completion consisted of "Krave" cereal and humous on toast.Sold on ebay to London,England.

Monday 14 June 2010

No.133 The Chequers Inn

This is painting No.133 entitled, "The Chequers Inn,Deal".This is of the rural Inn of my Hometown of Deal,Kent.During a time in my childhood when the building was derelict and a former pub, my friends and myself helped ourselves to many kegs of stale cider which was dwelling within.I did the predictable juvenile vomiting.It was also near here one evening years later, that myself and friend Del Brazier encountered what can only be described as a "Big Cat" with a startling roar in nearby undergrowth.I finished this after venturing around the town, procuring Johnson's baby oil from Boots,a new paintbrush from Tyler's,and after having a delicious El Fresco breakfast in my Parent's back garden.Sold on ebay to Glasgow,Scotland.

Thursday 10 June 2010

No.132 Edinburgh Castle

This is painting No.132 entitled, "Edinburgh Castle in Fiery Sky" which i finished today (June 10th 2010) after taking my son to school, then venturing to my local art shop,Tyler's, in the midst of the dreary weather.On canvas as usual, i hope to have captured sufficiently this enchanting Scottish landmark.I had a delightful breakfast at my parent's house consisting of fried egg,baked beans,vegetarian sausage,plum tomatoes and brown toast before finishing this work.Sold on ebay to London,england.

Thursday 3 June 2010

No.131 Herne Bay Pier

This is painting No.131 entitled, "The Remains of Herne Bay Pier" which i finished today (June 3rd 2010).This is of the majestically gothic remnants of this Kentish pier which i captured with the sweltering heat outside, after consuming a breakfast of Tetley Tea and a sandwich composed of coleslaw,green olives and cheese.On canvas,with my usual oils as culprits.Sold on ebay to Buckinghamshire,England.