Monday 14 June 2010

No.133 The Chequers Inn

This is painting No.133 entitled, "The Chequers Inn,Deal".This is of the rural Inn of my Hometown of Deal,Kent.During a time in my childhood when the building was derelict and a former pub, my friends and myself helped ourselves to many kegs of stale cider which was dwelling within.I did the predictable juvenile vomiting.It was also near here one evening years later, that myself and friend Del Brazier encountered what can only be described as a "Big Cat" with a startling roar in nearby undergrowth.I finished this after venturing around the town, procuring Johnson's baby oil from Boots,a new paintbrush from Tyler's,and after having a delicious El Fresco breakfast in my Parent's back garden.Sold on ebay to Glasgow,Scotland.

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