Monday 4 January 2010

No.109 Sarre Windmill

This is painting No.109 entitled, "Dusk at Sarre Windmill".I performed at this windmill in Kent,England in a musical duo with my Dad and we were called "The Men in White Coats" (We actually wore white medical coats!!).I began painting this the night before last whilst listening to "Kurt's Choice" a compilation cd released by NME music magazine which includes "Touch me i'm sick" by Mudhoney and "Louie,Louie" by Iggy Pop.I then went downstairs and watched a couple of episodes of the american tv series "Heroes", one episode was called "Shades of Gray" (Series 3).Then last night i completed it whilst listening to the album, "Celebrity Skin" by Hole.My painting room is so cold i can see my own Breath !!This was sold on ebay to Hampshire,England.

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