Saturday 9 January 2010

No.111 Neath Castle

This is painting No.111 entitled, "Neath Castle in Fiery Sky".This castle situated in Wales,Britain appears to be little more than a ruin.I began painting it the day before yeaterday, after walking my son to school in the horrendous snow.I painted the first part of this in silence which was a pleasant change for me.Then in the evening i watched an episode of "Lois & Clark The Adventures of Superman" Starring Teri Hatcher, the episode was called "I've got a crush on you".I then watched a film called "The Good Night" Starring Simon Pegg,Martin Freeman and Penelope Cruz.Then yeaterday i completed the painting after eating a chinese takeaway,i ventured up to my painting room and put on the album "The Downward Spiral" by Nine Inch Nails and finished it.This was sold on ebay to Swansea,Wales.

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