Monday 11 January 2010

No.112 Wandsworth Prison

This is painting No.112 entitled, "Wandsworth Prison near Dark" which i finished today.It was in this prison situated in London,England that John George Haigh,"The Acid Bath Killer" was hanged in 1949.This is a 30x40cm canvas,unlike the 12x12 inch canvas i used on my previous four paintings.I began this the night before last, whilst listening to the Nirvana album,"Bleach" i then sat and watched the film,"Sin City" Starring Bruce Willis and the late Brittany Murphy.Then yesterday, after dropping my son off to school in the icy weather i painted more whilst listening to the Marilyn Manson album, "Smells Like Children".And finally today,after eating a fabulous cooked breakfast with my parents at their house,i completed it whilst i listening to "The Best of Beethoven".Obviously Symphony No.5 is great to paint to.This was sold on ebay to London,England.

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